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Category: From the Word

Love Thieves

Inching the car out of the jam-packed parking lot, I headed home amid heavy Friday traffic. I didn’t know a love thief was headed my way. Wanting to be a blessing, I had just spent three hours sitting in a hospital with a sick man and his family. But, as often happens when we open up our clenched hands and…

Blue Pavement

“And (Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy elders) saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of lapis lazuli, as bright blue as the sky.” Exodus 24:10 This verse, marked in my Bible, is both fascinating and funny to me. First, can we all stop for a moment and acknowledge this nugget of a verse…

A Beautiful Future

When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons. (Mark 16:9)* First Piece: The most amazing, history-altering, eternity-determining miracle of and for all time. God beats Satan. Second Piece: A possessed woman—a woman whose body and mind was controlled by a demon. Got the picture…

Garden Prayer

The Botanical Gardens. Here I sit on a bench by a brook, in the shade of a clump of bamboo trees. I feel the breeze on my face, I see ants and dragonflies, and I watch water bugs dancing in the still parts of the water. When I close my eyes, I hear the babbling water, a variety of birds…


For Good Friday, an excerpt from “Cottage in the Kampung” written around Easter a few years ago… Last night it was time for bed.  It was past time for bed really.  I was tired and ready to sleep.  But I was restless too.  I couldn’t put my finger on it at first: on why I felt so restless.  But as…

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday makes me miss Sudan. Yeah, that’s an unusual statement. I realize that. But it’s true. I mentioned it again last Sunday—Palm Sunday—as we pulled out of our driveway and headed to church. My son asked me why. I’m not sure why. Maybe because it was heart warming to watch the children walk the aisles with their palm branches.…


“Practice hospitality” Romans 12:13 NIV “Come to my house!” When I invite you to my home, I am inviting you to see a part of me. The house decor is my decor and each piece has a story. For me, most of the pictures on the walls and the curios on the bookshelf come from a variety of countries because…


“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” (Colossians 4:2 NIV) This is my theme verse for 2017. I’m not exactly sure why. I don’t usually have a theme verse for the whole year, but somehow this year I thought this would be the verse I wanted to focus on. I wrote it on an index card and taped it…

As Simple as Sin

War stories: the Old Testament is full of them. In these stories I read about a side of God that I don’t understand. I mostly see and experience Him as gracious and loving, so it is difficult for me to read about wars where kings are impaled and children are destroyed. This doesn’t shake my faith in God’s goodness, but…