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Month: February 2019

Good News!

House, children, family, food, the latest gossip. These are the things that matter most to a particular group of ladies whom I call my neighbor friends. Yes, they will engage in conversation about abstract things like religion, sin, and heaven. But this doesn’t really get them on a deep level. That’s surface and irrelevant (to them). For sure these topics…

Freedom…and Fear

I am free! I don’t know when he last brushed his teeth, or if he remembered to floss. My son is growing up. I used to know every little detail of his day and was an active participant of everything from washing his ears to wiping his tears. Now we sit across the table from each other, sipping coffee…paid for…

When You Believe (but your heart still skips a beat)

Today I take courage from Martha’s unsteady faith. Martha and Mary, dear friends of Jesus (Jn. 11:5) sent word to him that their brother Lazarus was ill (11:3). If you are familiar with this story, you’ll know Jesus did not come right away. In fact, by the time he arrived at their home in Bethany, Lazarus had already died and…