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A Coupla Book Ideas

I like to have a couple of books going at the same time. I usually have one I listen to with the audible app and then a paperback or kindle book that I’m reading with my eyeballs.

Here’s Two Books I Just Finished and Why I liked them:

Jackie Hill Perry is a spoken word artist, poet, author, speaker. This book is timely and Biblically-based. Jackie, writes with a heart of love towards God, Scripture, and people. Don’t let the title throw you off. It’s a good book.

I listened to Gospel Fluency on Audible. I really  wanted a paperback of this book, but knew that I’d never get around to reading it that way and I wanted to know what this book was about. So I listened to it while running errands in the car, folding laundry, etc. This book is simple and practical. There were parts of it that felt the tiniest bit condescending, but it could have been the audio that made me feel that way. That aside, I think this book is practical and has great ideas. The first few chapters of this book build a base for the rest of it, so if you read this book, don’t give up. I enjoyed all of it, but really got into it around chapter 5.

What are you reading?

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