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The Ocean

Will I wish I’d gone to the ocean more…

When I’m gone from here?
I call it my happy place.
I reminds me of childhood
And comforting memories.
It draws out peace from the depths of my heart.
And contemplation.
And happiness.
But I just glance as I pass by because I’m going somewhere
And the cars go fast on this street.
It wouldn’t be safe to take my eyes off the road
Or gaze for too long.
I need to focus.
Will I wish I’d taken the time to stop the car
And make my way down some stony path to the sand below?
To look out across the water and toward the horizon.
To pick up a seashell…a common one:
A million just like it.
And look at its intricacies
And let my heart be taken away again
By the beauty of the Creator.


Will I wish I’d gone to the ocean more?

I live on an island.
Water surrounds me and is within reach
Every day.
But I spend my hours working…living my life.
It’s not like I can just ignore responsibilities
To go stare at water.
There are buildings and bridges and roads and cement.
Modern life has taken over this place.
There are meetings and events and to-do lists and emails.
Enough to build a wall and keep me secluded…landlocked.
And all the while I am surrounded by the ocean…
By my happy place.
Will I wish I’d taken the time to stop the busyness
And make my way down some stony path to the sand below?
To look across the water and toward the horizon.
To pick a memory…a distant one:
A million just like it.
And relive the story in my mind
And let my heart be taken away again
By the faithfulness of the Creator?

The ocean…my happy place.

Will I wish I’d gone there more…
When I’m gone from here?

Published inChildhoodDaily WalkPoetry